For a few years now, I have been creating fabric designs. Although it's one of my favourite things to do, it can be quite time consuming and I'd gotten away from it for a while. But, I've been hit with inspiration, and started working on it again, starting with a design that I would love to use as the front panel of a shirt or dress.

This isn't the finished design - not quite. I envision something much busier, with bees and mushrooms, to tie into the coordinating fabric that I'm designing along with it. I'd also like to clean up the bottom. But I flatter myself that it works as a stand alone piece as it is.
I'm excited to see where this latest fabric designing adventure takes me. If you're interested in seeing my other work, you can visit Spoonflower, where I'm part of a collective known as The Peach and the Toadstool.